Project Description:

Brand Identity Development & Design

The Brunch and Brew Club (BBC) is a vibrant culinary destination that celebrates the timeless tradition of brunch and the artistry of specialty coffee. It's a place where friends, families, and brunch enthusiasts come together to indulge in delicious food, savor exceptional coffee, and enjoy the convivial atmosphere.

The BBC celebrates the essence of brunch culture, which goes beyond just a meal—it's a social gathering, a moment of relaxation, and a celebration of life's simple pleasures. It's about slowing down, enjoying good food and company, and creating memorable experiences.

At BBC, we celebrate the joy of brunching with a diverse menu featuring classic brunch favorites, innovative twists, and seasonal specialties. From fluffy pancakes and hearty omelets to decadent French toast and savory breakfast sandwiches, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

But brunch wouldn't be complete without a good brew, and at BBC, we're passionate about coffee. We source the finest beans, roast them to perfection, and expertly brew them into rich, aromatic cups of coffee that awaken the senses and elevate the brunch experience.

In essence, Brunch and Brew Club is a place where brunch lovers and coffee aficionados can come together to indulge in delicious food, sip on exceptional coffee, and bask in the warm and welcoming atmosphere. It's a celebration of flavor, community, and the simple joys of life.

Brunch & Brew


Brunch & Brew
